Multiple sclerosis (MS); Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS);
Non-Patched Neuropathies (NPN)
G.M.P., 38 years old. He was admitted (January 2002) in the Division
for Infective Diseases in one of the most famous public hospital, in the
northern part of Italy, to exclude the eventual infective etiology of
two demyelinating lesions of the white substance (the first one was revealed
by RMN in Genuary 2000; the second one in December 2001).
Among the various tests which were made, there were the following: titration
of neutrophils anti cytoplasm (ANCA): absent; research for Aspergillus
antigen: negative; research for anti-Aspergillus antibodies: negative;
IgG anti-CMV: 5,5; IgM anti-CMV: absent; IgG anti HSV1 e HSV2: absent;
IgM anti-HVS: absent; IgG anti-VCA-EBV: 4,0; IgM anti-VCA-EBV: absent;
IgG anti-VZV: 2,3; IgM anti-VZV: absent; IgG anti-toxoplasma: < 4;
IgM anti-toxoplasma: absent; research for Cryptococcus antigen, negative;
CMV-IEA: negative; anti-Borrelia Burgdorferi antibodies: absent; Lue serology:
negative; parasitic test of feces: negative; anti-HIV1/2 antibodies: absent;
Widal-Wright: negative. Cerebrospinal Fluid: Limpid aspect, colourless,
albumin: 36,3; IgG: 4,23; nucleated elements < 1 ; viral DNA reaserch
in the Liquor: negative for HSV1, HSV2, CMV, EBV, HVZ, HHV6, JCV; cultural
test: negative; reaserch for Oligoclonal Bands: negative.
Final issue of Specialists: the test executed during the admission
period excluded the infective etiology.
After the dismissal, the patient asked for an anti-Bordetella Pertussis
antibodies research. Results: anti Bordetella IgG 0,64 O.D., cut-off 0,56
O.D., Absorbance 11,40 (positive < 8 ); anti Bordetella IgM 0,14 O.D.,
cut-off 0,27 O.D., Absorbance 5,18); anti Filamentous H.A. IgA 0,93 O.D.
(positive for infection caused by Bordetella Pertussis in S-phase <
0,30 O.D.); anti Filamentous H.A. IgG 0,65 O.D.; anti Pertussis Toxin
IgA 0,29 O.D.; anti Pertussis Toxin IgG 0,30 O.D.
Report of Pesaro Civil Hospital: very recent infection.
Having found (See notes 1 - 6) positive
the research for anti-Bordetella antibodies in the 95.47 % of 92 patients
affected by defined MS (patients not selected for the clinical form and
for the therapeutical treatment) and in the 100 % of 41 patients affected
by NPN (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Pseudobulbar Syndrome, Motoneuron
Disease, Neurogenous Muscolar Dystrophy; Hemiparkinson, Spastic Tetraparesis,
Balo's Concentric Sclerosis):
after the test made by Acqui Terme ASL 22 (See note
7) [in 25 patients with defined MS: 11 came out to be affected
by an acting infection by Bordetella Pertussis on S-phase (Bordetella
in S-phase is virulent and contagious); 14 came out to be affected by
an acting infection by Bordetella Pertussis on R-phase];
I reassessed the pathogenesis of the neuropathies from Bordetella Pertussis:
- In MS, the astrocytes are producers of II-class HLA-Antigens and
make the endothelia expose adhesion molecules. The immune circulating
complexes (ICC), "kept" by adhesion molecules, precipitate
in the central nervous system: we have MS (damages from ICC precipitation
= patches).
- In NPN (ALS), astrocytes are not producers of II-class HLA-Antigens;
the endothelia of cerebral vessels do not expose adhesion molecules.
The persistence in circulation of most part of ICC which form up, leads
to their progressive increase, so that, in the end, the inhibitory mechanisms
that ICC themselves trigger off in the production of antibodies are
onset. In chronic pertussis infections, in subjects with astrocytes
non-producers of II-class HLA-Antigens, during the inhibiting phases
from immune complexes (relative lack of antibodies), Bordetella toxins
go into blood and fix themselves directly on neuroepithelia: we have
neuropathies without patches. The pathogenic power of the various pertussis
toxins perfectly explains the neuroepithelial damages characteristic
of the neuropathies without patches.
Implication: after the test made by Acqui Terme ASL 22 (See
note 7) and the clamorous confirmation of the exposed case, no
Doctor will have the right to ignore the results of my research exposing
to disability patients who, after a simple blood test, could be rationally
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