multiple sclerosis pediatrician muco-ciliar barrier defect astrocytes Domenico Fiore bordetella marijuana virus neurology ebv bmc mpo
Dr. Domenico Fiore: multiple  sclerosis Dr. Domenico FIORE
V.le Madonna delle Grazie, 17
I-35028 Piove di Sacco (Padova - Italy)
Neurology World Congress- Buenos Aires 1997

Bordetella (BB) in S-phase produce lots of endotoxins (LPF, LPS, etc.); in R-phase they produce prevalently LPS. LPF irreversibly activates all the immunocompetent cells: it initially induces normal secondary immune response (IgG, activated T- lymphocytes, armed macrophages); by protracted action, it makes T-lymphocytes autocytotoxic.
LPS induces protracted IgM production alternated with immune complexes building-up. Endotoxins (that are not neutralized by antiserums) + IgM form immune circulating complexes (ICC) that inhibit antibodies production and end up precipitating (provoking an attack); IgM production starts again; the cycle repeats itself. Normally, BB-toxins does not pass into blood.

In individuals with a primitive or secondary muco-ciliar barrier defect, after reinfection by Bordetella we can have:

  • rapid reclamation of respiratory mucosa: transient passage of toxins into blood; LPF actions prevail; anti-BB IgG and average-low ICC levels are found in serum; it is Multiple Sclerosis (MS) with IgG, remittent.
  • colonization of mucosas (BB on R-phase): protracted passage of toxins into blood. Autocytotoxic T-lymphocytes, high levels of ICC and/or anti-BB IgM are found in the blood; it is MS with IgM, chronic-evolutive with free intervals.
If an attack produces serious vascular damages:
  • new toxins + residue/neophormed specific antibodies form ICC that immediatly precipitate into previous lesions;
  • lacking antibodies, new toxins fixed themselves to neuroepithelia; with new antibodies (also locally neoproduced) they form immune complexes where the lesion is.
Neither ICC, nor anti-BB antibodies are found in serum: it is seronegative-MS, chronic-evolutive without free intervals (always active patches; in subjects with astrocytes producers of II class Ag-HLA autoimmunity can occur). MS is a toxi-infective disease: environmental factor is Bordetella; individual factor is a primitive or secondary muco-ciliar barrier defect which permits toxins passage into blood; clinical forms depend on the relationship established between Host and bacterium; precocious etiological diagnosis is possible searching for ICC and for anti-BB IgM and IgG in serum.

Specific treatment: protracted administration of erytromycin

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