40th National Congress of H.N.S.
(Hospital Neurologists, Neurosurgeons and Neuroradiologists Society)
Otranto, 31 May - 1.2.3. June 2000
From MUSIC study commissioned by AISM (Medical Time n° 653, 2000:12)
it comes out that:
in the period 1996/1997, that means before the very expensive use of Interferon
caught on, in Italy about 2000-2500 billions Italian lire were spent for
Multiple Sclerosis.
In Italy the number of people affected by MS (they were already 50.000
at the end of 1997) increases at the rate of 1800 new cases each year:
A patient with slight disability costs 29 millions It. Lire/year;
A patient in a wheelchair costs about 75 millions It. Lire/year. To these
amounts we must add the "so-called intangible costs, that is the costs
related to life quality and to the psychological consequences of this disease".
In a very recent stock of the situation on MS(Canal N., Ghezzi A. et Al:
Multiple Sclerosis: News and outlooks. Masson, Milano 1999) we can read
"In animal samples, viruses are always primarily involved in the generation
of the myelic damage, a fact that has never been demonstrated for an infective
agent in MS" (page 200).
"From the excursus on the virologic research on MS it emerges that nobody
has identified a viral agent responsible for the etiology of this disease
yet." (page 265).
From immuno-pathologic studies it emerges that "it does not seem to exist,
then, a demyelinizing specificity at systemic level which could explain
why those cells will go right to the CNS of all places, to damage the local
parenchyme" (page 230).
MS is defined "an autoimmune disease". " However, contrary to other diseases
such as myasthemia gravis and rheumatoid arthritis, the postulate of autoimmunity
has never been demonstrated for MS by, for instance, studies of passive
and active translation" (page 208).
Pharmacological treatment with single substances: "First of all, the effectiveness
of these treatments has been demonstrated only for some kinds of courses;
in a second place, the frequency of the attacks is on average reduced to
about one/third and the accumulation of handicap is only incidentally affected;
finally, the response to therapies has resulted rather changeable from
patient to patient". The response of a certain patient is not foreseeable
(page 342).
Combined pharmacological treatments: "Both Inf-B and Cop-1 have a partial
effectiveness in controlling the disease activity and, moreover, it seems
that the effect on relapses is only partially successful in the reduction
of handicap progression: most patients continue to have new lesions and
new attacks, even if with a significantly reduced frequency" (page 357).
In the introduction, Rita Levi Montalcini concludes by saying that: "both
the most common forms and the progressive and secondary forms of MS up
to now cannot be treated".
From MS pathologic Anatomy, from Microbiology, Molecular Biology and
Immunology, we know that:
the endocerebral deposits of immune complexes are eluable (they may be
easily removed by pouring some water on them), therefore they are not constituted
of autoantibodies fixed at the cerebral tissue;
the pertussis toxins (endotoxins) are not neutralized by specific antibodies,
they have a strong tropism for neuroepitheliums; the toxin of fimbriae
(Filamentous Hemoagglutinin, or FHA) has, at its free extremity, the "adhesins"("chains"
of anchor to the "adhesive molecules" expressed by the vasal endothelium);
the specific pathogenic action of pertussis Toxin (PT) consists in inducing
into immunocompetent and neuroepithelic cells: inhibition of inhibiting
Gi protein, inhibition of adenylatecyclase, activation of phospholipase,
activation of ionic channels, modified trasduction of membrane signals;
pertussis toxins have a very powerful action activating aspecific policlonal
both on B-lymphocytes and T-lymphocytes and on macrophages; besides, they
activate the two-directional reaction T-lymphocytes/macrophages, with release
of Interleukine and Interferon.
From my research it results that:
in 72 patients with definite MS, not selected according to their clinic
form and treatment, the research of total anti-B. Pertussis IgG and IgM
has resulted positive in the 80,55% of the cases;
in 40 patients with definite chronic-evolutive MS, searching for antibodies
of the acute phase of the infection (anti-HAF and anti-PT IgA and
IgG) by Public Laboratories (Civil Hospitals in Como and Pesaro), 36 patients
(that is the 90%) resulted affected by a taking place or very recent pertussis
in 92 patients, not selected according to their clinic form or therapeutic
treatment, by searching for both the antibodies of the acute phase of the
pertussis infection (anti-FHA and anti-PT IgA ) and the total anti-BB IgG
and IgM, an infection from BB has been demonstrated in the 94,57% of the
Besides perfectly explaining the etiopathogenesis and the clinic forms
of MS, these results indicate that:
It is possible to do the specific serologic diagnosis of MS since
the first attack. Categorical is the necessity of searching for the antipertussis
antibodies with the correct methods: in E.L.I.S.A., indicating the optic density
of the sample and the cut-off; searching for both total IgG and IgM and
anti-FHA and anti-PT IgA and IgG.
Serodiagnosis + RM make the lumbar injection superfluous (we can
spare an invasive trauma to patients). As a matter of fact, the oligoclonal
bands (OB) are in many other pathologies (neurosyphilis, encephalitis,
neuroborreliosis , and different others); we have false negatives if IgG
only are searched for, when in intrathecal site IgA are produced (a case
I have recently observed); the methods used at present do not give any
indication of the specificity to which the OB address themselves.
To the traditional therapy against attacks (cortisone) a specific
antibiotic treatment (erythromycin) must be associated.
For the reclaiming of the mucosae of the high respiratory tract
(there is often an asymptomatic chronic rhino-sinusitis) and for
the prophylaxes of relapses, a protocol equal to the one adopted
(all over the world for years) for the long-time prophylaxes of the rheumatic
disease must be executed: to administer the antibiotic for at least 5 years
after the latest attack (according to some Authors, the antibiotic prophylaxes
should continue for indefinite time, just as Milan School proposes for
From all this, the following individual and social benefits derive:
the onset of handicap in the new cases is prevented;
the evolution of the disease and the progression of disability in subjects
already affected are stopped (it is not possible to treat lesions already
settled, but as time goes by one has always a certain functional recovery);
the antibiotic treatment is oral, at home; it may be associated to almost
all medicines in the market nowadays, it is well tolerated (erythromycin
can be administered to pregnant women); it has practically no side effects;
hospital costs are reduced;
medicine costs are reduced (Interferon and Colipomero are very expensive);
welfare costs are reduced. The kit necessary for my serodiagnosis costs
less than 50.000 It. lire; the subsequent specific therapy (home treatment,
oral assumption, compatibility with any other pharmacological treatment
necessary for each single case) costs about 300.000 It.lire/month for each
patient (3.600.000 It.lire/year);
finally, and above all, the greatest benefit will be at human and social
level: there will be no more disables for a toxi-infective disease which
can be easily treated, which can be defeated.
Confirmed the absolute necessity of searching for the antipertussis
antibodies with correct methods, I think it is only right to verify the
validity of my results.
I am always at everybody’s disposal for clarifications,
bibliographical details, discussions on the etiopathogenetic model of MS
deriving from my research (epidemiology, etiopathogenesis, serologic diagnosis
and monitoring of the various clinic forms, therapy and prophylaxes).